Child Family Blog


Autistic traits can undermine young children’s relationships, but aggressive behavior is the bigger risk

Key takeaways for caregivers Friendships play a critical role in children’s social and emotional development. Children with autistic traits have difficulty with socioemotional skills, putting them at risk for peer rejection. Autistic children who are...

Fostering social justice – white adolescents’ social justice action requires race conscious environments

Key takeaways for caregivers Parents, peers, and schools all represent crucial influences that shape how white1 adolescents make sense of racism and their actions toward social justice. Having explicit conversations with white youth about...

Brazil and its street children – understanding the needs of street children

Key takeaways Determining which children are in vulnerable situations and need assistance requires identifying the risk factors that they face. Helping street children involves bolstering protective factors that can reduce the impacts of the...

Toddlers’ screen time: Links between screen time and language development

This post is part of our series on Digital Media and Children Under 3, published with collaboration from the journal, Infant Behavior and Development. The featured research appeared in a special issue that focused...

Piaget’s theory of childhood development: A foundation for current understanding of children

Table of Contents Piaget and child development theory Piaget’s constructivist view of knowledge Piaget: Stages of development 1. Sensorimotor stage, birth to 18 months 2. Pre-operational stage, 2-7 years 3.  » mehr lesen

How does digital media shape young children’s word learning?

This post is part of our series on Digital Media and Children Under 3, published with collaboration from the journal, Infant Behavior and Development. The featured research appeared in a special issue that focused...

Reading with dad – Influences on fathers’ engagement in shared book reading and why it matters for children’s development

Key takeaways for caregivers Fathers’ participation in shared book reading has important and unique contributions to children’s development. Fathers can successfully and effectively engage in shared reading with their children regardless of their own...

Making the internet safer, engaging and evidence-based for tweens

Key takeaways for caregivers Building healthy relationships with technology involves not only protecting youth, but also supporting their positive experiences online. Helping middle schoolers navigate the digital world involves strategies similar to those used...

Child Family Blog
